Faculty Workloads

The College of Arts and Sciences, Office of the Dean is collecting faculty workload information for our departments and programs. This information is used as part of the larger analysis of Faculty and Professional Faculty workloads across the College.

To make this easy, we will send you your department or program’s previous faculty workload data, and you can update the information and return the spreadsheet to Amanda Atkinson.

Please verify the instructor’s

  • Workloads
  • Adjusted Workloads
  • Job title

It is extremely important that you verify standard and adjusted workloads or any course buyouts.

Please also use the notes column to communicate if someone does not work for your unit, has retired, or is no longer with the department. 

Anyone new that you need to add, please include them by adding a new row and filling it completely.  Remember to note they are new in the Notes column.

We hope that by using the data provided previously, you will be able to quickly help us have a better understanding of who is teaching, and who has a course release for any variety of reasons.  This will also help determine enrollment trends, admin appts, etc.


  • Can I resort the instructors in the sheet by job title?

Of course.  So long as everyone is accounted for, the order of the names is not critical. 

  • I noticed that the enrollment numbers in column H seem wrong-should I correct them?

Yes, please.  The numbers in the enrollment column are based on a Datawarehouse report pulled early in the semester.  It is not critical that these numbers be spot on, but if you notice any that are off, feel free to update them so that we can be reasonably accurate for enrollments.

  • Should I delete folks that aren’t teaching classes?

Please do not delete anyone from your list-if they do not have a standard or adjusted load-leave those columns blank and make your note in the notes column for why they should be removed.

  • I see that the GIAs are on the sheet this time – What should I do with them?

I have tried to capture everyone with a direct appointment in the department who were not classified as staff only, so that is why we have Research instructors, GIA, and GTA etc.

The names on your list should be based on this direct appointment, so you are not having to mark everyone that does not work directly for your unit.

This should result in fewer keystrokes needed by you. 

  • Can I add folks that are missing?

Yes, please.  If anyone is missing from your list that plays a critical role in instruction and administrative duties for your department (who are not staff), adding them to the list is extremely helpful. 

Note: The adjusted load and notes column are a great place to reflect when someone has administrative duties on top of their faculty workload.)

Please also remember to share details such as “Joint appointment with ____” as well as standard/adjusted loads and student enrollment numbers when/if you add these rows.